Wing Chun MasterClass

Siu Nim Tao Seminar

16th January 2016

Siu Nim Tao Seminar


Master James Sinclair has over 40 years experience in the Art of Wng Chun Kuen.  On Sunday 17th January 2016 James will be teaching a detailed Siu Nim Tao seminar.  He will be demonstrating and discussing the form from many different perspectives. For those of you who wish to go on ant each, or advance through the grading this is an essential must attend seminar.   One of the wonderful thing about these seminars and this aspect of the Art is that you will have a far greater depth of understanding and be able to self train with more authority and with greater benefits.

The event to be held at the National HQ in Rayleigh, from 1-4pm and your investment for this great event is only £50.

Call 07860 276923 to confirm your place.


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Happy Lunar New Year. Wishing you all health and prosperity. May you enjoy success in all the positive things you take on in the Year of the Snake.#ukwckfa ... See MoreSee Less
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After years in hermit like seclusion!!!! James Sinclair is going to be teaching some live seminars at the National Hq of the UKWCKFA in Rayleigh Essex. First time since 2019 Limiitng the number of attendees will ensure you get the most from the events and gain the most from a teacher with over 50 years involved in the Art of Wing Chun Kuen.There will be one "MasterClass' held each month from Feb to July. Subjects range from the empty hand forms, the wooden Dummy to Chi Sau and Sparring.For info contact us at ... See MoreSee Less
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Just a short extract from a recent online zoom presentation. As always this is just an extract from a far longer presentaton. As such it is possible to take this content out of context. The discussion preceeding, and following, not included. For this reason we cannot interact and get into discussions as it was most likely covered in the full presentation.In this UKWCKFA zoom session James Sinclair discussed the use of elbow strikes at various ranges through Chi Sau to Sparring.Our Zoom session in 2025 are currently discussing the Siu Nim Tao in great details. We expect to be on this topic for a couple of months. We recently spent 4 months going through the wooden dummy as we demonstrated the form, the many variations and application permutations that are possible.We welcome new open minded subscribers. If you too wish to join the growing group of Wing Chun students and teachers subscribing, we would welcome you on board! Contact for more details. #wingchun #kungfu #MartialArts #wingchunkungfu #China #chinesemartialarts #vingtsunkungfu #leicesterwingchun #bedfordwingchun #rayleighwingchun #stneotswingchun ... See MoreSee Less
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